Thursday 27 February 2014

Pitch Perfect and Mean Girls

The stereotypes in the movie Mean Girls are different although very similar to those from the movie Perfect Pitch.
The Barden Bellas

In Pitch Perfect I have identified the sophisticated but sexual Barden Bellas, the alternative and independent Becca and the confident and cocky Fat Amy as the three important stereotypes. These stereotypes allow for contrast and conflict between each other in the movie, which causes the ending to occur as it does. They learn to accept each other for their different qualities and work together to take out the big a cappella competition.

Mean Girls is based around the character Cady Heron who moves to America after being home schooled by her parents in Africa for the last 12 years. She attends her first ever school and is taken under the wing of Janice Ian. She teaches Cady the ropes of high school and who to befriend and who to avoid. The "It" group known as "The Plastics" take an interest in Cady and invite her to join their clique. This starts out as a fake friendship so Janice can get revenge on Regina George(the Queen B) but shortly turns into a competition for the crown. Cady turns into a replica of Regina George which causes a junior girls riot as the Burn Book (filled with rude comments about each junior girl) is spread around the school. This causes The Plastics to separate and join other crowds.
Gretchen, Regina, Karen.
The Plastics
The stereotypes in Mean Girls are similar to those in Pitch Perfect, though they have their own uniqueness.
The three main stereotypes from Mean Girls are; "The Plastics", Janice Ian, and Cady Heron. The Plastics are similar to the traditional Barden Bella's although their stereotype differs. The Plastics are described as a clique of glamorous, pretty,skinny, judgmental, vain, fake, back-stabbing, barbie-like bitches who consider themselves the "Queen B's" of the school. This clique consists of three girls whom all fit the description above. They live by the girl code and the rules in which you have to follow to be apart of the Plastics. Some of these rules are:
- You can only wear your hair in a pony-tail once a week.
- Wednesday is pink day.
- Track pants or jeans are only to be worn on Fridays.
- Never like or date your friends ex.
These rules are the girls values and beliefs. They live by them. The other girls in their resent The Plastics because they are jealous of their reputation. "Normal people only hate cliques because they just want to be included too." This is a quote from the article Mean Girls? A Culture of Cliques ( which is featured on the Boston College website. It backs up the idea of how girls than are not involved in The Plastics clique are jealous of them and their popularity.    

As seen in the picture above, your attire has to be girly but also sexy. The mini skirts and short tops which finish near their belly buttons is the basic uniform for The Plastics. This gives them that on-trend designer look. Their accessories are very simple but also quite classy.

Each member of this clique have defined legs, luscious silky hair, flat stomachs and clear skin. They hold themselves tall and strut the hall ways, rather than walk them. Through out the movie we see a few backwards tracking shots of the incoming Plastics as they make their way down the corridors. This enhances their superiority as it allows us to see The Plastics walking through their peers as they step aside to allow a clear pathway.To top off their Queen B look, The Plastics are full of attitude. The way they speak to each other and about other people is judgmental and deceiving. They twist others words to form a different meaning and say compliments which aren't necessary true. For example in the cafeteria when they first meet Cady Heron, Regina says "so you agree, you think your pretty?" after Cady replied "thank you" for a compliment on her beauty. 
With their composure, costumes, and attitudes all combined together, you get the stereotypical popular group of teenage girls.  

This is similar to The Bellas because they both consider themselves to be superior to their peers. Although their looks are different, they are similar at the same time. The Bella's are sophisticated with a subtle touch of seductiveness; The Plastics are stunning, Queen B material girls. Short skirts, tight tops, the typical "It"girls uniform which The Bella's and The Plastics both tend to wear.

This representation of the two girl groups by the media effects teenage girls and their societies, who are audiences to these films.

Because The Plastics and The Bellas are the main girl groups in these movies, teenage girls want to be like them. We are shown the power they have over their peers (in some cases their teachers), what they wear, and who they befriend which gives us a certain perspective of what teenage girls should be like. The media has created this stereotype of teenage girls, and we, as the audience, feel like this is how we need to be. This causes consequences like girls developing issues with eating, weight, personalities, appearances and relationships. Girls put pressure on themselves and each other to live up to this "perfect teenager" image which is created. Some girls achieve it, while others do not. Because young girls respond to the media's perception of teenage girls, the society assumes that most teenage girls are caught up with gossip, themselves and boys. This happens because they see these movies and are aware of the characteristics the girls have. They can see that many girls want to be the "It" girl and so their attitude towards teenagers is impacted. They look at them as troublemakers, hard work, and obsessive. This perception of teenaged girls by society is only there because of they way the media, Mean girls and Pitch Perfect, have chosen to present their characters. 
Reality, in some cases, is not too far from this representation. Most highschools have their  "Mean Girls" and "Queen B's", but not quite to this extent. The representation which girls see in these movies, does cause them to think about themselves and ask ,"what can I do to be like this?" As I mentioned before, this leads to all kinds of issues which are not healthy for the girls, emotionally and physically. The reality of teenaged girls is that they put pressure on themselves to achieve that "Queen B" look and status. Eventually they realise not everyone can have this role in life, or that they don't actually want to be like this. Some figure this out early in life, others later, and some can never quite grasp this concept. So although this representation is not totally false, it still isn't true either. Somewhere inbetween is the perfect reality of teenage girls. Theres a bit of The Plastics, a bit of the alternative or humourous, and some smart or sporty. Reality has a range. A unique range, allowing girls to be themselves and not a copy of the media's representation.

Not only are The Bellas and The Plastics similar at the beginning of each film, but also at the end.

In Pitch Perfect, The Bellas come back to reality and grow to know and respect each other for their differences. They no longer judge each other for their personalities and actions, but accept the fact that everyone is an individual.
This is similar in Mean Girls. Due to the "Burn Book" (a book The Plastics wrote about all the girls in their level) being exposed, the girls were able to express how they really felt to about each other without it being cast as back-stabbing or bitching. Everyone was able to say the honest truth face to face which led to the break down of The Plastics. They all got over their desire to be Queen B and accepted each others differences. They stepped off their high horse and came down to reality. The Plastics, although they remained friends, no longer ruled the school. They resolved all the Bitchiness.

These stereotypes from Pitch Perfect and Mean Girls put ideas into young teenage girls minds. Some girls believe that this is what teenage girls should act and dress like just because it is shown to us in this way. It is hard for young girls to realise that this is the wrong way to act. That to judge someone and talk bad about someone is okay, when it really is not. Teenage girls need to focus on the turning point of these movies and look at the important messages hidden behind the glamorous lives of these characters.

If you judge someone and/or talk bad things about them behind their backs, it will only cause you trouble and tension between you and other people. These things are unnecessary issues that can be solved just like in Pitch Perfect and in Mean Girls. Bitchiness will not get you anywhere.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Pitch "Perfect"

Pitch Perfect is about an ongoing college a cappella rivalry . It follows the girls a capella group, The Barden Bellas, journey towards earning their spot in the national a cappella competition and earning the respect they deserve from their fellow singers. Throughout this film we see people from different social groups interact and learn to work together to form a unique a cappella group. The Bellas transform from their strictly traditional look to  expressing group showing each members individuality. This change is the reason for their success.

In the movie Pitch Perfect, there are various social groups which all have there own stereotype. The Bellas, Becca, and Fat Amy have their own stereotypes. 

The Barden Bellas
The Barden Bellas are presented to us as a sophisticated group of girls. Their costume for performing is a short skirt and blazer with an open shirt. A scarf tied around their necks tops off the image of an air hostesses. The open shirt shows cleavage which gives off a sexual look. During the pep talk before their performance, the leader is bitchy towards the members that are next in line to run the a cappella group.
"I can't believe The Bellas are being passed onto you two slut-bags when we graduate." The tone of voice used is assertive and rude which suggests that they are stuck up girls who are all about them selves. As they walked on to the stage to perform, The lighting is bright which highlights their clear skin and high locks portraying them as beautiful young women. The host makes a comment saying that "girls are only as good as they are as being doctors." This suggest that girls are no competition in the a cappella society. The song that they sing is very traditional, which adds to the stereotype of sophisticated.  The look and the vibe that The Bellas give off at the competition, inclines people to make assumptions about what kind of people they are. I have stereotyped them as sophisticated but sexual, stuck up and bitchy, aswell as carrying a traditional air around them. This is The Bellas from a glance.
The Barden Bellas at the previous years A Capella Competition.

When we are first introduced to Becca, we are immediately aware that she is different from the average college girl. She is mixing her own music with a techno genre. Her clothing is simple-casual with a touch of punk rock. This is assumed by the checked shirt, black boots and leather bracelets that she wears. Becca's black fingernail polish and eyeliner stereotype her as a punk rock chick also. How she composes herself with her music and her attire, Becca has an alternative vibe. We see that she is different from others as instead of arriving to college with her parents, she is alone and transported by a taxi. Also, she carries her own bags to her room. This shows that Becca is independent and doesn't need to be surrounded by people to be herself. After she has set up her music equipment i.e. spin table, Becca's Dad comes in to check on her. Her independence and a bit of sarcasm is shown in the way that she talks to her father. "I didn't want to inconvenience you and Sheila. How is the step-monster anyway?" Becca uses this sarcasm when her Dad asks her how she got to the university.

Fat Amy  
Fat Amy has very unique stereotypes. She is confident, cocky, funny and speaks whatever is on her mind. "I'm the best singer in Tasmania, with teeth." This is the first thing she says when she meets The Bella's. She is straight up and isn't shy to boast about herself. Just by giving herself the name "Fat Amy" shows that she isn't bothered about what people think about her, as she named herself that so "twig bitches" couldn't call her it behind her back. She wears simple clothes and a casual ponytail. I think her attire works well with her outgoing personality as it does not distract you from her actions or what she says. Fat Amy is a very unique person. Sometimes she says inappropriate things without meaning to as she has no filter. "That's not a real word but keep trying". This comes with her self confidence and quirkiness. Amy's personality slightly conflicts her stereotype as the "typical fat girl". Usually you would expect people to call her names and say rude things, but with her attitude towards everything, Amy makes 'under-the-breath' comments about the other girls. *cough* slut, Twig Bitches, lesbeonest are a few examples of this. 

Further on in the film, after seeing a bit more of The Bellas, Becca and Fat Amy, their stereotypes grow into personalities.

The two original Bellas (Aubrey and Chloe) who have taken the reins over the group are the same traditional sophisticated girls who are always involved with The Bellas.  These two (especially Aubrey) are quick to judge based on first impressions at the a cappella auditions. They speak with proper pronunciation which upholds their original stereotypes. "The Trebles don't respect us, and if we let them penetrate us we are giving them our power." The way Aubrey worded this statement is classy and proper and is evidence that they are holding on to tradition. Although the girls that are accepted into The Bellas are not the typical "Bella Girls", they still stick to the traditional look and sound. "We don't stray from tradition". Due to the previous year, Aubrey is determined to stick to the ropes and keep The Bellas classy. Aubrey teaches the girls the same choreography which goes along with the same song, which she chocked on the previous year. Basically she is stuck in the past. 

Becca's stereotypes are confirmed as being alternative form everyone else. At the a cappella auditions she sang a different song to everyone else and also sat down on the stage while performing it. She does things in her own way. When Becca is selected into The Bellas, we can see the immediate contrast between herself and Aubrey as they have different personalities which are likely to clash. During the Bella's first practice, we see that Becca is straight up, "I'm pretty sure you need me more than I need you." By this we see that Becca is her own person and isn't afraid to speak her mind.

Fat Amy is continuously saying random statements about everything. "Sometimes i have a feeling i should do crystal meth, but then I think, hmm... better not." She is her own person and will change situations to suit herself. For example, during their practice Aubrey leads a cardio session. Everyone is running up and down the stairs while Amy is, as she called it, "horizontal running". We never know what to expect with Fat Amy. She is always speaking or doing something new.
The Traditional Barden Bellas Look.
The New Barden Bellas Look.

At the end of Pitch Perfect, The Bellas transform into a different group. They no longer live up to the expectations that everyone holds over them. Aubrey looks past her previous experiences and asks Becca for help as she realises things need to change in order for them to have the best chance at winning. Their final performance takes everyone by surprise as it conflicts The Bellas stereotypical sophisticated bunch of girls. Their individuality was expressed in their new performance outfits (a mix of jeans, skirts or shorts and blazers, blouses or shirts) which still consisted of the neck scarves, though they all wore them in a unique way. The song choices were a mixture of old and new, upbeat and slow, which enabled the audience to become more attached throughout their performance. Instead of being the traditional Bellas, they brought out a new era which made a cappella history and brought the girls closer together than ever before.
The Bellas during their final performance
The stereotypes shown at the start of the movie are three general categories which girls in society get cast under today: popular (The Bella's), alternative (Becca), and confident(Amy). Because the media represents teenage girls to society in this way, we start to think this is how we should be. Just pick a type of person and live like them. It shouldn't be like this. Although Pitch Perfect portrays a certain image of teenage girls at the beginning of the movie, it also allows young girls to see that when you accept people for who they are, even if you don't like some things they say or do, you will be able to focus on more important things. Girls need to discover their own personalities for themselves and not worry about not fitting in with certain people. Once teenagers start to live up the these stereotypes, society assumes all girls are like this, and expect nothing else from them. It shows the true meaning of individuality and how important it is to express it. The change in stereotypes throughout Pitch Perfect is a positive aspect for teenage girls to take away from this movie. 

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Stereotypes are specific ideas and assumptions which categorise individuals and their actions as a certain type. For example, If you see a young girl sitting outside the library with a book in hand, her hair falling across her glasses and is wearing a plain jersey and jeans. Your first thoughts may be along the lines of quiet, shy, intelligent, respectful.

This is stereotyping. Judging an individual on what you see and casting them as a certain type of person.
Everyone stereotypes at one time or another. We make assumptions and guess ideas about individuals. When we class them under a 'type' of person. I think that the main reason as to why we stereotype is to figure out who a person may be 
without actually talking to them.

The media uses stereotypes to get their message across. They use celebrities to portray a certain look for a certain type of person. For example we see Lady Gaga in her crazy Red Carpet outfits due to media capturing her and categorising her as a crazy, out there person, who seems to be always taking it to the next level. The media cast celebrities and different activities into certain catergories, as to say what is 'HOT' and what is 'NOT'. This is their way of presenting their message and views to the readers and watchers of media.